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How Does Salesforce Help Customers With Their Digital Transformation Journey?



The fourth Industrial Revolution has brought about an incredible wave of innovation in technology that is radically transforming businesses and customer expectations. Indeed, the majority of consumers today are more concerned with customer experience than they are about the product or service they’re buying which represents a huge shift from the market scenario as it was five years ago.

In the present scenario, every company is going through a digital transformation as they are trying to capitalize on new technologies to address these changing expectations.

Salesforce’s role in digital transformation is of segment leader in CRM Industry as

most of the Salesforce’s customers are global leaders in their industry, and as a result, they are working with trending technologies like the Cloud, and newer technologies, such as IoT and AI.

They’re using augmented intelligence to transform their relationship with customers by delivering a more personalized experience.

Before the companies, especially sales and service teams, have been struggling to generate leads and manage their customer, and after the inception of the CRM tools, Salesforce consulting companies are able to help customers concentrate more on customer satisfaction and many of the related tasks are taken care of my smart solutions offered by Salesforce whether it be sales cloud or service cloud to name a few, now the data and all the important conversations are collated under a single umbrella, and Professional have got the flexibility to make more productive and smart decisions.

The epitome of success could be seen as more than 80% of the total Fortune 500 companies use Salesforce in one way or another and have seen dramatic growth in customer acquisition and retention with higher satisfaction because of the efficiency that has come in play as a part of using sales-force. When Salesforce works with companies that are interested in digital transformation, We come across that they are nearly always interested in increasing their ability to innovate and becoming more agile. We have been widely recognised as one of the most innovative companies in the world, and it has a lot to do with our agile structures, methods, and practices, in addition to empowering our employees with an agile mindset. Our company culture encourages honest feedback from all of our stakeholders, and our ability to rapidly act on that feedback makes our products better and our company stronger. This is an important point that many companies that we work with haven’t realised yet: Being agile isn’t just about more frequent product releases. It also means rethinking the operational backbone to allow you to be more responsive to your stakeholders’ needs.

Below are some of the successful Customer case studies regarding their digital transformation through salesforce :

  1. Sakthi Finance: Sakthi Finance began its digital transformation journey with automating their back end lending processes. They further turned to Salesforce to streamline the rest of the business, from lead creation to sales and all the way through to collections.
    The company is getting close to achieving this goal, by having replaced manual sales processes with Sales Cloud and enabling shared services teams with Service Cloud. The technology simplifies processes like pipeline management and order processing so customer-facing teams can spend less time at their desk and more time meeting customers.

Equipped with the Salesforce Mobile App, reps can work effectively from anywhere and tap into a single view of the customer to tailor service. The smooth integration of information across the organisation has enabled decision making and this empowered environment has improved Sakthi Finance’s journey towards customer engagement and value.

  1. Vashi Electrical s: Unlocking that growth potential while maintaining and building the company’s commitment to full-service customer assistance at scale is a significant challenge. However, they are finding the solution in a digital transformation strategy with Salesforce at the core. Initially, working with a homegrown CRM tool, the team turned to Salesforce for a more integrated solution with a 360-degree customer view. 

They wanted to work with the best in the industry, and while they looked at other vendors, Salesforce provides the 360-degree customer platform they needed, with maximum innovation and all functionality available at the click of a button.

In the end, Salesforce has been a key player in transforming the customer and sales professional experience in the current technologically advancing era, where everything is getting replaced with a more innovative and meaningful solution or tool.

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