Make Money

Personal Money Management: Answers You Are Looking For



Unpredictable circumstances, loss of a job, Covid-19, and other unpleasant events can make you feel less financially protected. That is so if you have been living for all these years, spending paycheck for little stuff. The best way to feel more secure is to hire a financial consultant or start learning how to manage money.

Authors Are the Most Experienced

The quickest way to set up a budget is to get acquainted with professional writers and authors who shared their advice with people like you. Many of the authors have overcome some life difficulties to achieve their freedom in money management.


One of the American book market bestsellers was Robert Kiyosaki and his management masterpiece “Rich Dad poor Dad.” He was born in an ordinary family and became close with a very wealthy person he is calling his second dad. Kiyosaki always tells his readers that because of this, he had a unique opportunity to see how poor and rich people think. Wealthy dad taught him the importance of emergency personal loans. He explained to young Robert that not every debt is bad. There are good debts that should be paid by someone else, and you will make a profit.


Wayne W. Dyer, who wrote “It’s Not What You’ve Got: Lessons for Kids on Money and Abundance,” always demands: “Pay yourself first.” While he was serving in the Navy, he succeeded in saving enough money to pay tuition for four years of school and buy a new car. He says that till the present day, he follows this rule and each time pays himself first. This advice helps young specialists to be financially independent by the time they are thirty.


George Kinder advises people to hire a professional life manager, one of the experts and financial planners. He admits that it is close to impossible to identify your real goals and build a guide for reaching them and not getting off the route. Emotions play a critical part in money management. You have to support them to fulfill your mission, and the planner is the right person who can teach you how to go directly to your sacred desires, like buy a house without credits or a new car.


Another wealthy person, Neale S. Godfrey, who wrote “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Children,” was once given a lesson from her advisor. He told her to stop listening and watching TV. The reason is simple. What they show on television is already done. Meaning you will spend much more money on it because it is already on air. Lose that habit of running and purchasing useless stuff at a “good” price that you never need. Think for yourself, ask questions and make a list of things you have to buy.

Read good books and learn from accomplished, experienced economists who will let you know how to avoid their mistakes.

Social Media Bloggers

Not only book writers have all the answers. They spend some time making their masterpieces, talking about how it was done in the past. To follow the current situation it is better to follow a financial blogger on Instagram or YouTube. They are discussing current events and streaming live chats with audiences, giving master classes, and making posts about financial situations and savings.


First on our list is an advisor who is doing it for over 20 years – Suez Oman. She is best known in America for her modern approach to women who are managing their finances. She touches on such topics as how to save on healthcare treatment and how to be prepared for different unforeseen circumstances. Oman has a full package of life money hacks. One of them is to avoid early retirement. The percentage of it will be 75% a monthly payout if you retire at 72.


Erin Lowry is another popular among Millennial figure who talks about current issues of how to get out of debts, pay off credits and save for retirement. You may also find much advice on managing money while you are a student and many more even where you find extra hustle to get more money. Erin offers to start learning to negotiate in each situation. If you feel underpaid, discuss it at your workplace. Acquire a habit of it and promote your interests.


Tiffany, aka “The Budgetnista” Alice, is a blogger who writes for “Huffington post.” She shares financial advice with millions of readers. Her background as a teacher of the economy led her to start a blog about money. Here she will surprise you by showing how to pay less and save on bills and create your emergency fund. Alice says that it is important to find a community with the same goals supporting each other and sharing their dreams.


Another significant media person and businesswoman Barbara Corcoran released her new book “How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business”. She tells the story of a once dyslexic student, as she was who was stubborn enough to build a huge company. Barbara urges people not to listen to negative people and see what they need.

Reliable Sources

Why learn from your mistakes while many experts can tell you what to do, whether to apply to a personal coach or use free of charge materials available on YouTube, it is your decision. Some prefer books and think of them as the most trustworthy source, and others rely on the speaker’s famous Media personality. Each option is perfect unless you found an expert who overcame the same troubles.





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