Your employees are arguably the most important asset your company has. Not only are healthy and fit workers more productive, but they’re also less likely to make mistakes and are much more loyal to the company when they know that their employees care for them. Here are some ways to keep your employees fit and productive:
Create remote exercise challenges
Going to the gym may not be an option for all, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to not get moving every once in a while. Gamifying the entire physical fitness experience for your employees will make it more exciting and fun and will most likely yield more participation and enthusiasm from them. You can create a fitness challenge for all your employees to compete on. Set a prize or a non-monetary incentive for people to get that final push that will get them out of their couch.
Prioritize nutrition
You know what they say: abs are made in the kitchen. While getting your employees ripped isn’t the primary goal, a common mistake is thinking exercise is all there is to living a fit life. That couldn’t be further from the truth. What you eat affects your body more than exercise ever will. You can encourage your employees to eat better by partnering up with some healthy food choices where they can get discounts with. Even better, if your budget allows for it, consider having an in-house nutritionist and kitchen that will prepare healthy meals for your employees.
Sitting is the new smoking. Living a sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of getting heart attacks. Encourage frequent standing up and stretch breaks so your employees are reminded to take a walk every hour or so. Aside from encouraging short but frequent breaks, as an employer, you can encourage stand-up meetings and even decide to install standing desks or more ergonomic alternatives for your employees
Consider telling busy employees about supplements
Not everyone has the time nor energy to lift some metal after work, so taking in some food supplements may be an option that could work for you. Be discerning when it comes to which supplements to recommend to your employees and teach them how to look for one that fits them. Take for example this review Aside from looking at its pros and cons, look at any potential side-effects and ingredients that they may be sensitive to.
Lessen alcohol intake
Drinking alcohol is a work culture you almost always can’t avoid. Add that to the fact that work-related stress can actually trigger increased alcohol consumption. Still, you can curb the negative effects of excessive drinking in the workplace by always providing non-alcoholic beverages in company functions, and avoiding company dinners in places like bars. If there are employees with any drinking problems, provide the necessary medical and social interventions that are designed to address the problem holistically. That way employees are taken care of not only physically but also mentally which will help them be more productive at work as well.
Taking care of your employees by helping them be healthier and managing their stress levels can spell the difference between a thriving company and one that’s going to go out of business. Don’t forget to check whether the programs you’ve set in place are working and always ask for employee feedback.