9 months agoon
Both economics and finance are terms related to similar backgrounds. Possibly this is the reason why one term is confused with another. This article is an attempt to differentiate between finance and economics. Though both the terms are related to money matters, there are certain lines that differentiate finance from economics.
Economics is the study of the market and non-market components related to money. It involves the study of the market, its components, its predicted behaviour based on the global economic trends at the micro level. It also encompasses the study of greater financial institutions and global economic regulators and their functions.
Finance on the other hand deals with matters solely related to money management. It encompasses the raising, management and investment of finance. It also deals with the ways to raise finances and their optimization. Apart from this general distinction, there are certain parameters that are taken into account to distinguish economics vs. finance. These are the parameters that will be considered to compare economics and finance.
Finance is applied to manage financial resources for a company or venture. It deals with the ways and methods of raising finance to procure resources for the company. It allows planned investment of procured resources and appropriate distribution of equity.
Economics on the other hand is the aggregate study of market and market forces. It analyses market behaviour and makes predictions of future events based on the general trends in the past. It is elemental in planning the course of economic activities during different phases of the economic cycle. It facilitates optimum utilisation of resources and helps in coordinating supply with demand.
When talking about finance, there are basically three prominent branches in finance. These are namely public, corporate and personal finance. Public finance basically deals with the financial matters of the state. It is concerned with the larger public interest and is governed through policy decisions.
In economics, there are two subcategories. These subcategories are macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics deals with the entire economy. It studies the elements vital in running the larger economies that vary from regional to the global level. Microeconomics on the other hand deals with the smaller and fundamental elements that govern the market. These fundamental elements form the basis of economic functioning.
There is a range of courses offered by both the courses. Both economics and finance offer quite popularly opted and highly demanded courses. This segment discusses some of the most widely opted courses from economics and finance orderly.
Finance involves the general management of financial resources, while economics involves the application of complex math concepts like calculus. So it can be held that learning economics is harder than finance owing to the usage of mathematical concepts. While this is true for any average student, ease of learning also depends on the interest of the learner. Someone having sound knowledge of higher mathematics combined with an interest in economics can effortlessly learn economics.
Belonging to the market-related concepts both finance and economics are two diverse disciplines. Both disciplines provide different services for the functioning of the market. While comparing Economics vs. Finance, various aspects of both streams have been unearthed. One can now easily choose the subject that best suits their interests and natural capabilities.